A place for notes, sketches and concept development stuff. Contains spoilers!

Saturday 20 February 2021


Hellbent now has an official site! 

All Hellbent content will be moved here and hosted here now!

I will still keep this blog as an archive and place to post sketches and concept development type posts, including spoilers! The main site content will be more polished, concise and free from spoilers.

All finished pieces, chapters, comics, character bios, e.t.c will be hosted on the official site now:

ABOUT: helladelic.com/hellbent 

CHAPTERS: helladelic.com/chapters

CHARACTERS: helladelic.com/characters

GUIDE: helladelic.com/guide

GALLERY: helladelic.com/hellbentgallery 

- Peace! 

Friday 8 January 2021

Hellbent - The comic!


This is a sketch WIP of the opening scene of Hellbent!

I'm experimenting with comics and seeing how I'd go about making Hellbent comics! I'm undecided whether these will be greyscaled or full colour yet, but I'll be using this page to experiment with! 

I'd love to make the whole story into a comic, but I'm not sure how realistic that is, as there will be many chapters and I am just one woman! x'D I might only draw out some pages from the chapters. We'll see! 

Stay tuned!

Sunday 3 January 2021

B r a d


Here is a Brad in my fave ever outfit of his! Feat his side-kit, Keke!